Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Top 5 Things I Am Thankful For

1. These three little ones for bringing such fun and joy into my life.

                          2. My family for being my amazing support system.

                                        3. My crazy brother for being there for me.
                                         4. My amazing sister in law for being my shopping buddy.
                                          5. The temple a place where I can find peace in my life and get answers.


Monday, August 19, 2013

One Week Away!!!!

Today I found out I will start working for head start next Monday. I am so excited to start this new chapter in my life. I am going to be teaching two preschool classes in one day. I will have a morning class and a afternoon class. This is going to be a fun new adventure for me. In the next few weeks until school starts on September 9th I will be getting my classroom ready going through training and doing home base visits where I will go to my students home and let the parents and children in my class comfortable with me. This is going to be a fun but busy few weeks in my life but I am excited to take on this new adventure in my life. I am ready to be a what my mom calls a real adult life with working full time. I am so excited to get to working and being around kids as they learn new things at school.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Let the challenge begin.......

A week ago tomorrow I went through the temple and received my endowments. When I was there one of the temple workers challenged me and the other lady who was receiving her own endowments to go to the temple for twelve weeks. She explained that I could go once a week, or twice a week. She just encouraged us to go to the temple as much as we could go. I thought about it for a while after the temple and I decided that I did want to go on and accept the challenge and go to the temple for twelve weeks. I am excited for this challenge. To make this a more of an interesting experience my mom and I have decided to try to go to different temples each time we go. This will be a fun and a rewarding experience just it was when I went through the temple for my endowments.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Next Big Step In My Life

Tomorrow I take a big and exciting step in my life I will be going the temple tomorrow and taking out my endowments at the Saint George temple. I am very excited to take this big step in my life. I have been preparing for this for a few months deciding if I was really ready to go through the temple and make more covenants with the lord. But after praying, pondering, and reading. I finally felt like this was the next step I am suppose to take in my life. So I went through the process to get my recommend and getting the things I need to going through the temple and gain this experience that I know will impact my life for the better. I am know that I will be surrounded by the all my family both living and those who have passed on. I am ready for this step and enjoy all the spiritual benefits I will receive tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Catching My Breath

After a crazy month of May with graduating going on job interviews getting one job and then another job opportunity comes and trying to make a decision on which job to take and hoping a praying that everything falls into place so I can finally feel at peace on the direction my life should go being a fresh out of college graduate not knowing what will happen or where to go.
Well after that month I can honestly say that I can finally say that I am able to catch my breath that everything has fallen into place and I feel at peace with the direction my life is going now. I am now getting pumped up to be a lead teacher of my own classroom for a great program. I am employed at Head Start. I think this is a great program and I am excited to become a part of this great program. I do have a few nerves think about oh now I have to plan lesson plans out for a year and I have to set up my own classroom so that it is a welcoming environment that the children feel comfortable to come into the classroom. Let's just say I have been spending a lot of time on pinterest looking at their education tab looking for ideas for lessons and staying organized so that it will be a smooth transition from doing lesson plans as homework assignments to planning lesson plans to influence children's learning development so that they are prepared at go on to elementary school and succeed in their life.
I am glad that I can finally feel that I am catching my breath and now I can enjoy my life and all the precious moments I will be facing from now on without any distractions like school or focusing on finding out if I have a job or not. I am looking forward to all the experiences I will gain with my new job and life's experiences I will have on from now on.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Decisions, decisions, decisions.......

I am at a crossroads right now in my life. I have two opportunities for my employment now that I have graduated from college. It's always exciting when you get that first call saying you have a job. It's a thrilling experience when you say "yes I did this by myself." But then after you get another opportunity for another possible employment opportunity and then you are face with a decision on which employment opportunity should you go with. I know everything will work out for the best and what my Heavenly Father has planned for me to do. But it is so frustrating not knowing what is going to happen. I am hoping everything will work out and that my nerves and frustration will be put to rest. I think I have made my decision on what I should do...... I just hope it's the right decision.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Catch Up from Graduation to now......

Here are some pictures from my graduation day. Graduation was a fun filled day with family and reaching a milestone in my life. Graduation was fun but it also was long too. The highlights of graduation was a grandson and a grandmother graduated in the same degree. Then see people trip on their way to shake the deans hand. The goal that me and my friends had on our way to get our name announce to not trip on our way. It was fun getting my name called and getting several pictures taken in a five minute time span. Then going to dinner with the family and then playing at the park with my nieces and nephew that evening. Graduation was the highlight of my week last week.

This week however was made when I got a call that I got a job at the children's academy. I start on June 5th. I start out as a float for the first couple of weeks and then I will get a permanent placement in a class. I am so excited to start working and gaining experience with working with children in a preschool. Next week I have an interview with Head Start for a job. The past couple of weeks have been amazing with graduation and getting a job. Now on to the real world with working and being more independent.